This type of Freewheel Clutch is without bearing type with Lever arm for Backstopping, So External Bearing Support must be required for Axial & Radial Loads.
Torque is transmitted to the inner race via a key and the outer race via the torque arm. Shaft tolerance must be h6.
The Backstop clutch should be fixed to the machine body by placing Support Bracket on either side of the torque arm or by using a pin or bolt in the slot. Note that a clearance of 1% of slot width is needed between torque arm and brackets or slot and pin. If a bolt is used instead of a pin it must not apply any axial loads to the torque arm.
This type of Freewheel Clutch is used in Inclined Conveyor, Bucket Elevator, etc. which are used in Outside Location (in very Dusty Environment).