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Sprag Type Freewheel one-way Clutches

Sprag Clutches

Design as Sprag Type Freewheel Clutch

NMTG sprag clutches are precisely manufactured with a specially formed cam (retained with a spring) that positively locks the inner and outer races through a wedging effect and transmits torque in one direction. A typical transmission will provide rotary as well as intermittent speeds.

The Sprag clutches get automatic released (because of change the contact point due to specially formed cam) and the unit becomes freewheeling and when the same race is rotated in the opposite direction, These Sprag clutches, often provide the simplest and effective solutions for many applications. In the simplest application, Sprag clutches connect and disconnect two rotating shafts (drive shafts or driven shaft). In these devices, one shaft is typically attached with a prime mover unit and the other shaft provides output power for work.

Suitable for Application having Medium to High Torque Transmission requirements.

Sprag Type Freewheel One Way Clutches

Integrated Freewheel one-way clutches

  • Without bearing support.
  • Concentric alignment of inner and outer race must be provided by the customer.
  • Integrating the outer ring on the customer part by bolting to the face
  • Lubrication – if necessary – to be provided by the customer

Complete Freewheel one-way clutches

  • With bearing support between inner and outer race
  • Completely enclosed Type
  • With own lubrication & without own lubrication
  • Connection to the outer race and the customer part by:
    • bolting to the face
    • mounting flange
    • keyway connection on the outer race
    • lever arm / torque arm
    • Shaft coupling.

Low Speed External Holdbacks

  • These clutches are available with and without bearing support.
  • Completely enclosed
  • With own lubrication

Internal Freewheel one-way clutches

  • Without bearing support.
  • Concentric alignment of inner and outer race must be provided by the customer.
  • Integrating the outer ring on the customer part by bolting to the face
  • Lubrication – if necessary – to be provided by the customer

Design Features

Precision formed cams/sprags made of special alloy steel provide extra long wear and fatigue life. The formed Sprag can be accommodate maximum number of cam as per diameter which will provide the maximum load transmitting torque per given diameter / as per size then other type of clutches.

Inner & Outer Race

Sprag clutch races are precision ground, provide high concentricity and surface finish to obtain smooth Sprag rotation and manufactured from high-quality alloy steel achieving high surface hardness & core toughness.

Sprag clutch


Max. Load & Greater Torque Capacity

The full complement of cams/sprags made special alloy steel provides the maximum number of load transmitting members per given diameter. Result greater torque capacity than the other roller clutches.

Long Life Performance

The friction of the inner raceway in a roller clutch always occurs at the same point on each land of the roller clutch. But the sprag clutch's dimpling is distributed around the inner raceway, not concentrated. Hence, this ensures long wear resistance and long life performance.

High Precision (No Backlash), Silent Operation.

Sprag clutches has many more load bearing points because constantly changing contact point on both races. These has high precision without any backlash and silent operation.