
Torque Nut


A "torque nut" typically refers to a type of fastener or nut that is designed to provide a specific level of torque resistance when tightened. The right amount of torque must be used to securely fasten nuts to bolts or studs in a variety of mechanical and technical applications to avoid loosening or over tightening, which could result in equipment failure or damage.

The characteristics of torque nuts into two main points:

  • 1. Control: Torque nuts are designed for precise torque control during fastening, ensuring that fasteners are tightened to the correct level.
  • 2. Locking and Security Many torque nuts incorporate locking mechanisms or features that enhance the security of fastened connections. These mechanisms prevent loosening due to vibration or external forces, contributing to the overall stability and durability of the assembly.

Benefits of Torque Nut

  • Uniformity: Torque specifications help maintain consistency in fastener tightness, ensuring that all connections are equally tight, and that load distribution is even.
  • Prevention of Over-Tightening: Torque specifications prevent over-tightening, which can lead to damage or distortion of components.
  • Prevention of Under-Tightening: Proper torque prevents under-tightening, which can result in loose connections, leaks, or part failures.
  • Durability: By using the correct torque, the nuts and bolts are less likely to undergo premature wear and fatigue, leading to longer-lasting connections.